Thursday, May 19, 2011


Yesterday marked the halfway point in this round of chemo. YAY! We say it's time to celebrate! We started this on Monday, February 28th. By my count that's 7 chemo infusions (every other Monday). If there are no more postponed infusions that puts the last infusion date somewhere around August 22. Mark has felt worse the last 2 or 3 weeks than any other time during this whole cancer treatment. He is slowing down a lot, but we (Mark and his family) are SO thankful for all the help offered by friends, family, and everyone in general.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Everything looks good

Cat scan showed no abnormalities at all. The Dr. said that Mark maybe had a virus and it ran it's course, or maybe a bacterial infection that the antibiotics knocked out, or most likely: nothing was wrong and the lung x-ray he had just looked abnormal because his lungs are abnormal (because of the sarchoidosis).
The oncology Dr. looked at the Cat scan to see if he could see any cancer spots (didn't really expect him to do that, made Mark a little nervouse that he would even be looking), but found no signs of cancer there. Always good news. The rest of the day was a normal chemo day.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New developments this week...

One of Mark's doctors thinks that he may be developing pneumonia, so he started out this week with some heavy antibiotics. He had a cat scan done yesterday, and then he'll visit with the pulmonary dr. monday morning to see the findings of the scan. Then off to get his blood drawn, analyzed, talk to the oncology Dr., and most likely, get his chemo infusion and pump hook up to take home.
We'll keep you updated as we find out more.

Monday, May 2, 2011

infusion rescheduled

Mark usually goes in for a chemo drug infusion every other week. Last Monday (April 25th) was his scheduled infusion date, BUT after having his blood drawn and meeting with his Dr. they decided to reschedule. His white blood cell count was down, he was feeling pretty weak, and over all just didn't feel great. They decided to reschedule his appointment for today.

He finished up earlier than normal (usually his infusion is done between 4 and 5; today it was done at 2:00) because he didn't have to meet with the Dr. or get his blood drawn. He was 'plugged in' to his fanny pack chemo drug pump and will return on Wednesday to 'un-plug'. Then things should continue in the every other week fashion, so his next chemo infusion will be May 16th.

Thank you to all who call and write to stay in touch. We all really appreciate your love and prayers!