Monday, November 29, 2010

Some good news!

Today was Mark's last day of radiation. YAY! When he left they gave him this:

Then he went to have his labs done, and they 'unplugged' his port cath that dosed him with the chemo. So his chemo therapy is done for now too.

Unfortunately, the day wasn't over yet. He also visited the urologist (not removing the catheter yet, maybe in 2 weeks). Then a quick (super quick) check in with the oncologist. He doesn't need to see him again until the 13th or 14th of December. The last appointment of the day was a surgery consultation with Dr. Luewen (not sure about the spelling there). Mark was so tired and so worn out, but we got more good news. The tumor has shrunk thanks to the 5 weeks of chemo and radiation therapy!! The surgeon was very positive and certain that he'd be able to resection the colon and that Mark wouldn't have to have a colostomy bag (this wasn't a certainty at the beginning). We also learned that all the lymph nodes in the affected area will be removed and then tested for cancer cells. His hospital stay will probably be about 5 days long.

Mark is still in the process of setting a consultation with a surgeon in Seattle (2nd opinion). It's not decided yet if he'll have surgery in Wenatchee or at the University of Washington Hospital.
Jenna, Papa, and Payton, with Papa's new blanket. Payton picked the Camo, Jenna picked the fuzzy red, and Lisa sewed it together.
Lydia, Papa, Carter, and Jeromy. Kids were picking out the pumpkins for halloween. Lydia wanted a big one and Carter had to have the baby pumpkin in Jeromy's hand.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Back from the doc

So the urologist thinks that Mark probably passed his kidney stones last week (last Friday to be exact). Unfortunately, that didn't solve any problems. The best explanation is that the radiation therapy is really making Mark's prostate and bladder mad. They're irritated and not functioning properly. So the choices were to learn to self cath or to have the Dr. insert a catheter so Mark would be able to void his bladder. He came away with a catheter from the Dr. today, and he only has to have it for 10 days. He'll have it removed on the 29th. The long term solution (which he will need eventually) will to have a prostate surgery. That's down the road somewhere. The healthcare community can relax about job security since Mark will be employing them all for some time to come. :)

Only 5 more days of radiation, and 10 more days of chemo.

Appointment changes

After Mark got home Thursday (the 18th of November) the Urology Dr. called him and told him that he had talked with the nurse a little more and they decided it was probably a good idea to do the procedure now instead of the middle of December. So after radiation today he'll go to the urologist again. Hopefully after this procedure we'll have some answers and Mark will have some relief. Aaron was able to go with him yesterday to his appointments and his son-in-law Brad is taking him today. We've been so blessed to have so many friends and family around to help out. Thank you to ALL who have offered to drive him and who have taken the time out of their day to take him to Wenatchee.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No definate answers yet...

After radiation today and a trip to the urologist we still don't have any definite answers. The Dr. thinks that it may be kidney stones in the bladder affecting everything, but doesn't want to do any procedures to fix the problem until after Marks chemo and radiation are done. So his next trip there is scheduled for December 13.

Next week Mark also has a check up with an orthopedic Dr. to talk about his arm (muscles) to see if he needs another cortisone shot, and to see how he's doing.

We should also get to talk with the oncology Dr. on Monday and find out the answers to a few things (how often Mark needs to see him after radiation and chemo are done, for example, and set up some appointments to talk with some surgeons about the surgery to remove the tumor).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

more bad news

Mark met with the radiology doctor today after his radiation treatment. They thought he might have a urinary tract infection so they took a urine sample and sent it to the lab. This afternoon they called with the results and they don't think urinary tract infection, they now think it's kidney stones! Yuck!!!! If it's not one thing it's four. They told him to definitely keep his appointment with the urologist on Thursday.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lots of updates

Friday was just awful. The good part was that Mark's brother and sister (Gary and Susan) came up from Texas to visit. Then they and his aunt and uncle (Dixie and Lyle) took him to his doctor appointments on Friday. But it seems that Mark has developed bronchitis. They had to stop his radiation treatment and reposition him 3 or 4 times because he was coughing so hard. After they appointment he saw the dr. and then went and got a lung x-ray. That's when they diagnosed bronchitis. Then there was a huge run around getting his prescriptions filled. Wenatchee didn't have the drugs the dr. prescribed, so they drove to Ephrata. Then they didn't have the right drugs either. So that meant a drive back to Wenatchee to get a hard copy RX from the dr. (it's a narcotic and the pharmacy has to have a hard copy from the dr. to fill it). A LOT of driving and a LOT of time.

Mark had a hard weekend (a lot of coughing and discomfort), but the cough and pain medications seem to be doing their job and finally kicking in. Only 9 more days of radiation left (which is at least 9 days too many according to Mark). He has an appointment with an urology specialist on Thursday since there has been some bladder and prostate issues that haven't gone away.

We are so very grateful for all the help from friends and family! Thank you to all who have kept Mark in your thoughts and prayers!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 3

We're at the beginning of week 3 of chemo and radiation therapy. Mark is still so blessed to not have any major side effects at this point. He's slowed down quite a bit and needs to get his naps in, but that's probably the only major change. Once radiation treatments are done he'll be scheduling several different consultations with different surgeons to discuss the upcoming surgery.
Thank you so much for all your help, prayers, and well wishes!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

starting to slow down...

Everything is starting to 'catch up' and 'take affect' on Mark now. He's more tired than he has been, has started to feel sick to his stomach and is vomiting. Thank goodness for anti-neasuea pills.

Monday, November 1, 2010

First week done.

The first week of chemo and first 5 radiation treatments are done. Only 20 more radiation appointments and 4 more weeks of chemo.

The Dr. thought Mark was doing pretty good and not having many side effect symptoms. He did catch a cold this week, but the Dr. gave him the ok to take over the counter meds to help with the coughing, sore throat and stuffy nose.

Marks been more tired than normal, but has still been up and around doing things around the house and yard, getting ready for winter.