Monday, November 29, 2010

Some good news!

Today was Mark's last day of radiation. YAY! When he left they gave him this:

Then he went to have his labs done, and they 'unplugged' his port cath that dosed him with the chemo. So his chemo therapy is done for now too.

Unfortunately, the day wasn't over yet. He also visited the urologist (not removing the catheter yet, maybe in 2 weeks). Then a quick (super quick) check in with the oncologist. He doesn't need to see him again until the 13th or 14th of December. The last appointment of the day was a surgery consultation with Dr. Luewen (not sure about the spelling there). Mark was so tired and so worn out, but we got more good news. The tumor has shrunk thanks to the 5 weeks of chemo and radiation therapy!! The surgeon was very positive and certain that he'd be able to resection the colon and that Mark wouldn't have to have a colostomy bag (this wasn't a certainty at the beginning). We also learned that all the lymph nodes in the affected area will be removed and then tested for cancer cells. His hospital stay will probably be about 5 days long.

Mark is still in the process of setting a consultation with a surgeon in Seattle (2nd opinion). It's not decided yet if he'll have surgery in Wenatchee or at the University of Washington Hospital.

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