Monday, November 1, 2010

First week done.

The first week of chemo and first 5 radiation treatments are done. Only 20 more radiation appointments and 4 more weeks of chemo.

The Dr. thought Mark was doing pretty good and not having many side effect symptoms. He did catch a cold this week, but the Dr. gave him the ok to take over the counter meds to help with the coughing, sore throat and stuffy nose.

Marks been more tired than normal, but has still been up and around doing things around the house and yard, getting ready for winter.


  1. I am so glad you are doing this blog. Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. Sounds like he is doing better than the Rams

  3. Jeromy you are hilarious:) Although, San Fran aren't looking so pretty either! However, the Bears did loose to Seattle. What a year.
